Components A - G

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Components A - G | Stryker

- A -


Works as a collapsible container for each accordion item. Each item can contain components. The accordion supports unlimited items.

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Animated bar graph

Allows the presentation of numbers and data in a horizontal or vertical bar graph.

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Animated number counter

Displays a numeric value that animates when the page loads.

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Awards and sponsorships (display only)

Display a horizontal gallery of up to 7 clickable award icons from an Awards and Sponsorships Page.

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- B -

Banner campaign

Displays an image as a banner style that allows businesses to promote campaigns which may be hosted on other sites.

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Business unit contact form

Enables visitors to provide information about themselves, send a message and submit the form. Form information will be sent to an email address specified when the component is configured.

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- C -

Contact button

Button that automatically appears on product, procedure and system pages based on tagging. Drives users to the respective business unit's contact page.

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Contact information

Displays contact information (i.e. address, number, email) within the individual Business Unit Contact Page. Includes integration with Google Maps.

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Corporate contact us form

Enables visitors to select a general topic, provide information about themselves and submit a comment. The form will send the information to a specified email based on the topic selected.

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Countries and languages component

Defines the settings that drive the geolocation button on the global gateway, interstitial alert and a site's country/language indicator.

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Cross-Promotional Badge

A cross-promotional badge allows you to define a graphic that represents a service or capability and tag multiple products with that badge.

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Curated call-to-action

Create a fully customizable call-to-action by providing unique image and copy.

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Curated link list

Displays a list of individual links; provides flexibility to link to internal or external pages.

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- D -


Displays a small block of text at the bottom of a page.

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- E -

External Asset Library

The external asset library allows authors to manage details of assets hosted on an external site (e.g. GCS/CDN or another 3rd party server) or the AEM DAM for use in a single place for reuse in various Resources and Downloads components.

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- F -

Fast facts


The Fast Facts Component is a full width component designed for use within the Full Bleed Panel. It is a highly stylized component to introduce a visual break within the page. The visual pattern consists of a series of "large text" and "small caption" pairs that flow into two columns.


Use a Fast Facts component to emphasize statistics, keywords or phrases. It is not intended to support a large amount of text.

User manual

Fast fact title


customer satisfaction


system up-time


increased efficiency


install base

Featured content components


Four different versions of the component allow authors to create call-to-action (CTA) tiles to showcase different pages within the site. Use the table below to compare the different component types: 1) Content only 2) context 3) grid and 4) item.

  Content only Context Grid Item
Summary column required n/a Yes Yes Yes
Minimum number of tiles 3 2 3 1
Maximum number of tiles 12 2 9 3
Image source of tile Page thumbnail Page thumbnail or authorable
n/a Authorable
Text content source of tile Page properties Page properties or authorable Page properties Authorable
Tiles are clickable Yes Yes Yes No

Component types

Featured Content only

A three-column component comprised of call-to-action (CTA) tiles that are automatically generated by pointing to an internal page. Expandable to four-columns.


Minimum of 3 pages must be referenced to generate a full row. Recommended maximum number of tiles is 12.

Good to know:

The only way to populate this component is by pointing to internal pages. The tiles will automatically be generated based on the page's thumbnail, title and abstract.

For consistency in presentation, keep the referenced page's abstracts to similar word counts.

User manual

Featured Content with Context

A three-column component that allows an author to provide context for two CTA tiles by creating a summary.


The left column should be a summary/description about the pages featured in the middle and right column.

Good to know:

The required number of CTA tiles is 2. If more flexibility is needed, consider building a similar layout using a combination of column controls and Curated CTA components.

Unlike the "Featured content component", there are two ways to generate the tiles for columns 2 and 3.

  1. Point to an internal page. The image, subtitle, description and link will be created automatically from the page's thumbnail, subtitle and abstract.
  2. Manually author the image, subtitle description and link. This will provide the most flexibility.

An optional call-to-action (CTA) button (e.g. View all services) provides a way to offer a 3rd link related to the featured content.

User manual

Featured content grid

A four-column component that displays a title, summary and 3 columns of text-only CTA tiles. Content of tiles is automatically created based on the title and abstract of the referenced page.


Provides a way to easily navigate to other pages within the site. Recommended maximum number of tiles is 9.

User manual

Featured Content - Item

Provides a four-column layout to highlight features and benefits of a product, using images and a short description and a CTA button that navigates a user to a single internal page.

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Filtered Content-Type Grid


Displays a grid of product, procedure and system tiles. The tiles displayed are associated with the current Capability or Specialty. Tiles can be filtered based on tags.


Tiles are automatically populated based on Brand Architecture tagging of product, procedure and system pages.

Good to know:

  • This component is only available on Capability and Specialty pages
  • No more than 3 dropdown filters can be set per page
  • Filters are determined by product tags
Flex cross promotional tile


A badge to indicate that a product has an associated Flex Financial offering. The appearance of the tile is determined by the graphic specified in the associated Services Management page template.


If a corresponding badge is configured, it will automatically appear on the appropriate product page via tagging.

Full bleed panel


A container that fills the full width of the browser with an optional background color and can hold specific components. (e.g. Fast facts and testimonial)


Limit a full bleed panel to 1 per page.

Good to know:

The panel must be first added to a page in order to use the Fast facts or Testimonial components. 

User manual

Testimonial Title

Full width image

The Full width image component allows the display of a full width background image with options to overlay text and calls to action using various font face, sizes, colors and positions in a manner that is brand compliant.

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- G -

Grouped list


Enables authors to dynamically create a list of links to pages based on a specified tag.

Good to know:

  • List will populate according to the tag configured in the component; all pages containing the specified tag will appear in the list.
  • The text for each list item is based on the name of the page.
  • Formatting of the list is not configurable; all items will appear as stand alone links followed by an arrow.