Full width image


The full width image component allows for the display of a full width background image with options to overlay on-screen text and calls to action using various font face, sizes, colors and positions in a manner that is brand compliant.

Authors should use this component rather than embedding text in graphics. This helps ensure content will be translated during translation workflows as pages are deployed into different countries.


Per the brand guidelines:
  • Authors are responsible for composing the desktop image so that it does not collide with how text is overlaid
  • Only fully clipped images are acceptable for using with this component; text should not overlap any aspect of the image
  • Do not use partially clipped or unclipped images
  • Authors are responsible for ensuring final renderings are brand compliant
Good to know:
  • The component requires a desktop AND a mobile version of the image to be specified
  • On desktops, the image will be rendered as a background with the text overlaid on the image; on mobile devices, content will reflow and the image will render before or after the text
  • Text and buttons can be overlaid by adding: Large headline, RTE, and curated CTA components into the column areas
  • Using the Large headline component will resize (scale) the text across various screen widths
  • Using an RTE component will reflow the text across screen widths
  • Authors should test their layout by viewing on multiple screen widths to ensure content is rendered properly
Available text layouts
  • 25% Text left
  • 25% Text right
  • 33% Text left
  • 33% Text right
  • 50% Text left
  • 50% Text right
  • 66% Text left
  • 66% Text right
  • 100% Text 
  • 2 col 50% Text top
  • 2 col 50% Text bottom
  • 2 col 33+66% Text top
  • 2 col 33+66% Text bottom
Supported sub-components

The text column areas specified in a full width image component supports addition of the following components:

  • Large headline 
  • Rich text editor (RTE)
  • Curated CTA

Video: How to create a full width image with text overlay