Display products in a portfolio

How to tag a product, system or procedure page so it appears in the portfolio catalog.

Portfolio page types

Three page types form the Product Portfolio. The page types form a loose rather than a strict hierarchy because an item or product can exist in more than one place. For example, the Spine capability appears in both the orthopaedic and neurotechnology portfolio. 

Portfolio page
  • First level of the hierarchy; displays Capability page tiles
  • Portfolio pages reflect the main product segments of Stryker's offering
  • There are only four Portfolios on the site as determined by the Brand team: Medical and surgical equipment, orthopaedics, neurotechnology and spine, services 
Capability page
  • Second level of the hierarchy; displays Specialty page tiles
  • Capability pages represent products and product groups within a given portfolio
  • The labels within this group generally use functional or operational terms (e.g. bedframes, joint replacement, CMF implants, etc.) 
Specialty page
  • Optional third level of the hierarchy
  • Specialty pages communicate sub-categories based on language customers would use to classify products and services within the capability

Template sections

Portfolio page


In order for a Capability to appear on a Portfolio page:

Portfolio page
  • Must have a content-type tag of "portfolio"
  • Must be tagged with the corresponding portfolio
Capability page
  • Must be tagged with the content-type tag "capability"
  • Must be tagged with the appropriate portfolio tag
Capability page


In order for product, procedure or system pages to appear on a Capability page:

Capability page
  • Must have a content-type tag of "capability"
  • Must be tagged with the corresponding capability
Product, Procedure or System page
  • Must be tagged with the content-type tag "product", "system" or "procedure" respectively
  • Must be tagged with the appropriate capability tag
Specialty page


In order for product, procedure or system pages to appear on a Specialty page:

Specialty page
  • Must have a content-type tag of "specialty"
  • Must be tagged with the corresponding specialty
Product, Procedure or System page
  • Must be tagged with the content-type tag "product", "system" or "procedure" respectively
  • Must be tagged with the appropriate specialty tag

Adding a product to a page

How to tag multiple pages so they appear on the a Portfolio-type page.

1. Connect to the production environment of
AEM and navigate to the product/procedure/system folder of items to tag.

2. Switch to the List view in the upper right corner.

3. Click on the “Title” heading to sort the
products in ascending order.

4. Select the products that you want to add the tags to by clicking the icon so a check mark appears.

5. Click on “View Properties” in the menu bar.

6. Click in the tag field.

There are 2 ways to add the tag:

Option #1: Type the tag name in the field and it should auto-complete the tag name. Some tag names are similar across the site; be sure to select the "Capabilities" or "Specialty" category tag.

Option #2: Click on the browse button and select "Stryker > Capabilities" and browse for the tag that you are associating these pages to.

8. Click the Save button. (Note: It doesn’t give any indication that the updates have been saved.)

9. Click on the “Close” link to return to the
products list.

Repeat steps 3-8 to add different tags.

Enabling or disabling content-types

How to enable or disable the display of Procedure and System pages in the content grid.

1. On a Capability or Specialty page, scroll down to the FILTERED CONTENT TYPE GRID component. Click the wrench to update the configuration properties.

2. In the configuration box, scroll down to the "Show Procedures" and "Show Systems" checkboxes. Select the boxes in order for the respective content type to display in the FILTERED CONTENT TYPE GRID.

For "System" content-types you can choose to have a different label display in on the page (e.g. "Product families") by entering that label in the "System Name" field.

Adding filters

How add drop-down filters to the FILTERED CONTENT-TYPE GRID

Use filters so that visitors can refine the items displayed on the capability page based on categories or taxonomies that are not part of the brand architecture (e.g. Anatomy, Product type, procedure). You can specify up to 3 filters.

Authors with PUBLISHER rights can build filter categories in the tagging application under the Stryker > Custom > (business unit) section in AEM. 

If you do not have PUBLISHER rights, authors can request the Digital Communications team to create the custom filter tags.

Go to the Tagging application

After creating the tags, authors will need to tag product, procedure and system pages accordingly.

Once the pages are tagged, you can display the filter dropdown controls on the capability page by following the instructions below.

1. On the Capability or Specialty page, scroll down to the FILTERED CONTENT TYPE GRID component. Click the wrench to update the configuration properties.

2. Scroll down to the following fields and configure the options:

  • Default Filter Option: the label that will appear in the drop down if no filter is applied (e.g. Show All)
  • Filter Name: the label that will appear above the drop-down box
  • Tag Folder: the category of tags that should be used for the filter.