How to submit a request for a Vanity URL

Before submitting the request, contact Branding, and get approval for the URL you are wanting to create. After you have the URL approved by Brand you can start the process of getting the vanity URL created. 

Once you have Brandings approval open a General Request Form on Strykers Support Website. 

In the form complete the following fields:

What is your prefered method of contact? Email/Teams

Application/System: select AEM Platform

Description: enter Vanity URL Request followed by the date you need the URL Live by. 

Additional Comments: Explain you need help setting up a Vanity URL by a specified date. Include the Source Link (the Vanity URL Link) and the Destination Link (the live site link). 

Then click Submit at the bottom of the form.

Your request will be submitted, and you can then follow the ticket as it progresses through setup on Service Now in your My Tickets area.