Project details and launch schedule


Project details and launch schedule | Stryker

About the project

What is the goal of this project? is a company-level initiative to deliver a single, global platform that harmonizes our online experience. We want to drive customer engagement, enable new commercial models and create a talent acquisition edge to continue to grow our global brand. 

What will a single, global platform do for my business?

It will enable you to take advantage of the traffic that is already visiting from around the world and enable you to deliver on future self-service solutions. 

Who is responsible for this project? Who can I call if I have questions?

The Digital Communications team within the Corporate Communications and Public Affairs group is your key contact for You can contact

How was the site hierarchy and infrastructure developed?

Each business went through a brand architecture mapping session in 2013 with the Company Brand team. This is what informed the taxonomy on the current site. We did allow alterations based on business changes over the last few years.

Can my agency partner have permission to upload content on my behalf?

Your agency can assist with your needs if you would like them to. Please contact for more information.

How will the site be governed and managed once it is launched?

Our governance and management plan is under development with input from our businesses and functions.  This plan will be communicated at a future date.

What platform are we using and why did we select it?

We selected Adobe Experience Manager. It’s capabilities are broader than a product catalog alone and will enable us to expand our digital marketing capabilities over time and to meet both internal and external self-service needs. We encourage you to visit and learn about AEM and what the Adobe Marketing Cloud has to offer.

Phase 1 schedule

When will the site “Go-Live”?

We are targeting the end of Q2 beginning of Q3. These dates are based on the readiness of both the business and IS. We will have an internal “soft-launch” before the external release giving the business an opportunity to “go-live” with the confidence that their business is being sufficiently represented. We will not go live until the business is ready.

Will the entire site be complete when the site goes live?

We are taking a staged approach based on breadth of products available as opposed to depth of content on selected products. Company level content will be completed as well as the minimal product content required. Businesses can choose to further build out their content with more robust media or link to their microsite page for richer content. Go live does not mean stop developing content, it is an ongoing process.

What should I do with my microsites?

We encourage you to keep your microsites active until we develop the functionality that is required to deactivate your site. Please continue to drive traffic to your microsite until further notice. Remember, Phase 1 is a foundation starting with basic product information, we’ll be building a more robust customer experience as richer content is added. You can use the secondary CTA component in section B to link to a microsite product page, for now, if appropriate. All linked Content must be brand compliant.

Translations and internationalization

How will translations occur?

Translation tools and functionality has been built into the sitefoundation. Product page translation is out of scope for phase 1. We are focusing on creating a secure and reliable technology platform and working with the businesses to ensure accuracy of on-label content before we address content localization.  

How will international markets be impacted?

Our focus in 2017 is getting the foundation built in the U.S. in order to feed each market/region with the appropriate content in the future. We will socialize the platform to the international markets Q3 and Q4 of 2017.