Components O - U

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Components O - U | Stryker

- O -

Our people grid


Used in conjunction with a "People Management" page template and "Person Components", this component displays a grid of people's photos, names and title. Clicking on the "Meet..." link will navigate the visitor to a full page bio of the individual.


All photos of the individual must be in landscape orientation and have a transparent background.

Good to know:

  • The information displayed in the grid is dynamically generated from the "Person Component" on the associated "People management" page.
  • Keep headshots of similar composition and scale for consistency in presentation.

- P -

Page short description


The Short Description provides a descriptive paragraph of product, system or procedure on the respective page. This can be used to communicate features and benefits etc. of a given product, system, procedure.


  • Text formatting in this component is limited to plain text, bullets and super/subscript
  • Use superscript for claims that require references/disclaimers
Patent tables


Patent tables provide a means for an author to publish patent information for the purpose of public notification of the patents Stryker owns.


Patent information is to be maintained for a minimum of 20 years.

This component is only available to the group that manages company patents.

Good to know:

Tables are managed by uploading excel spreadsheets to the Adobe Assets.

Person component


This component allows authors to enter details for a single person and is intended for use on a People Management template.


All photos of the individual must be in landscape orientation and have a transparent background.

Good to know:

Information from the "Person Component" will be used to dynamically build out the "Person Detail" page.

ProCare promotional tile


A badge to indicate that a product has an associated ProCare Services offering. The appearance of the tile is determined by the graphic specified in the associated Services Management page template. A button at the bottom right corner of the badge will cause an information-overlay to appear with more details about ProCare for the specific product.


If a corresponding badge is configured, it will automatically appear on the appropriate product page via tagging.

Good to know:

  • Contact information in the overlay is based on the ProCare contact information configured on the Business Unit Contact page.
  • Other information presented in the overlay is managed in the ProCare Object on the associated "Services Management" page template.
Product groups


This component allows an author display groups of products associated with the procedure or system on the current page in a 4 column grid.


This component is to be used on a system or procedure page.

Good to know:

The products tiles will appear dynamically based on tag configuration of the current page and associated products.

Product listing


Similar to the Product Groups component, this component allows authors to feature products for a system or procedure in a two column format, dynamically pulling the page abstract and product number for the respective product.


  • This component is to be used on a system or procedure page. 
  • Controlled documents (e.g. surgical techniques, IFUs, brochures, etc.) should not be loaded into Adobe Assets. They must be linked to from GCS or an external repository.

Good to know:

The products tiles will appear dynamically based on tag configuration of the current page and associated products.

To display product resource links, (e.g. brochures) to resources within this component, configure the "Related Links" tab in the "Page Properties" dialog box of the corresponding product.

- R -

Resources and downloads

Resources and downloads

The Resources and Downloads component allows visitors to view and download PDFs and other assets that businesses wants to display on product pages.

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Rich text editor

Rich text editor (RTE)

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- S -

Secondary CTA


Secondary CTA is a generic hyperlink that appears under the Contact button on product, procedure and system pages. It can be used to drive traffic to internal or external links.


Limit secondary CTAs to 2 items maximum.

Good to know:

This is a component businesses can use to drive visitors to related product microsites or portals.

Section title

Section title

Separates a page into different sections that a visitor can navigate to using the Jump Navigation or Curated CTA.

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Standalone image


The Standalone Image component enables authors to curate a free form image from the DAM. This is the primary component authors can use to place images on pages.

Standalone video

Stand alone video

Learn more

- T -

Tab control


The tab control provides a control to display a different content in the same area on a page.


Limit tabs to no more than 7 sections.

Good to know:

  • The tab control can only be used in a 100% width area

Example Tab Control

Stryker’s Culture

Stryker is a leading Medical Technology company. Stryker’s mission is “Together with our customers, we are driven to make healthcare better”.

Video Subtitle

Video Description

STAR Total Ankle Patient Testimonial

Larry Staton shares his story and experience with the STAR Total Ankle Replacement. 

Video Subtitle

Video Description

Header1 Header2 Header3
Content1 Content2 Content3
Content4 Content5 Content6


The table component allows content authors to display data in a tabular format following brand guidelines.

Header1 Header2 Header3
Content1 Content2 Content3
Content4 Content5 Content6
Content7 Content8 Content9


The Testimonials Component is a full width fixed component designed for use within the Full Bleed Panel component. It is a highly stylized component meant to introduce a visual break within the page.


Use a testimonial component to emphasize a single quote or phrase. It is not intended to support a large amount of text.

Testimonial Title