Create a new business unit


Create a new business unit | Stryker



A business unit on is defined by a group that will:

  • own the creation and approval of product pages
  • have their own “contact us” information when visitors are interested in learing more about a product
  • appear under the “Our businesses” section of the About us section
  • assign a Business Point of Contact (BPOC) that will manage their presense on the website

Learn about the role of a BPOC

Why have a business unit landing page?



Approval to represent the Business unit on the website must first be provided by the Corporate Marketing team.


How to create a business unit

After approval for creation of Business unit has been provided by the Corporate Marketing team, the business can request Marketing Operations to create the Business unit structure in AEM.

How to create the Business unit structure

The following steps must be performed by the site ADMINISTRATOR on the Marketing Operations team.

  1. Create a folder for the BU in Assets under: Stryker and global events
  2. Create a BU section in the tag manager under the following categories: Product, System, Procedure, Business unit, custom.
  3. Create a folder for the BU in Sites under: 
  • stryker/us/en/(business unit name) = Business unit landing template

      - Ensure the Business unit/(New BU tag) has been applied to the Business unit page

  • stryker/us/en/global events/(business unit name) = Generic template

The mandatory pages under the Business Unit landing page are:

  • Products = Generic template
  • Assets = External Assets Library Template
  • Contact = Contact business unit template
          - Naming convention for the contact page should be:
          - - Title: (business unit name)
          - - Name: (contact)
          - Ensure the Business unit/(New BU tag) has been applied to the Contact business unit page

Once the folders have been created by Marketing Operations, they can submit a request to Global IS for Business unit UPDATER, PUBLISHER, EVENT PUBLISHER roles and permissions to be created and assigned to the Business unit POC.

Submit a request to global is

Once the business unit has been set up. The Business Unit Point of contact can create new product pages.

How to create Product Pages