Create a new product page

Page creation checklist:

The following items must be created in conjunction with a product page in the following order. Follow the numbered steps below for details on creating a new product page.

  • Create a new product folder in the DAM under Stryker/(business unit)/Products Go to the DAM
  • Upload an image that will be the thumbnail.
  • Create new product tags in the tag application under Stryker/Product/(business unit) Go to the Product Tags
  • Create the new page in AEM using the Product Details Template and populate the required items under Page Properties:
    - Thumbnail, Title, Subtitle, Description
    - Content type: Product (prefilled)
    - Business unit: (selecting your business unit defines the Contact button)
  • When the page has been created, populate the required page content:
    - Hero image, short description
Only publisher roles can create new product pages. 

#1 - Create a DAM folder

1. Create a new DAM folder

Click the AEM icon and select "Assets" or click the link below to go to directly to the DAM.

go to the DAM

2. Upload images.

Upload a thumbnail and optional hero image into the Images folder for the product. (drag and drop)

Video: How to create a new DAM folder

#2 - Create a tags

1. Click the AEM icon and click the tool icon and select the Tagging application icon or click the link below to go directly to the product tags.

Product Tags

2. Navigate to the Products folder for your business unit. (e.g. Stryker/Products/<business unit>) and click the folder icon next to it so a checkmark appears.

3. Click "Create Tag" and create one for the new product you will be adding. Each product page must be associated with a unique tag.

4.  Click on the tag(s) that was just created and click "Publish"

#3 - Create product page

1. Click the AEM icon and click the tool icon and select the Sites icon.

2. In Sites, navigate to the Products folder for your business unit. (e.g. stryker/us/en/<business unit>/products) and click products folder so it turns blue.

3. Click "Create " and create a new page using the Product Detail template.

4. Enter the product brand name as the page title.

5. Content type and HCP content tags will automatically be added to the page; add your business unit tag. The business unit tag determines how the Contact button will behave.

Add the product tag you just created, this product tag drives things like related products, ProCare badges.

Click "Create".

6. Select to "Open" the page and navigate to the page properties and populate the required items: Thumbail, subtitle, description and Content ID.

Click the checkmark to save the changes.

7. Populate the required page content: Hero image and short description.

Add any optional components to the customizable area.

8. Once the content has been approved by your local business processes you may publish the page.

#4 - Add required tags

Tags that define
Page configuration
Tag Folder Example Tag Limit Description
Content type Content type/Product 1
  • This tag is automatically added when the page is created
  • Do not remove this tag
  • Determines how the page thumbnail is rendered on capability and speciality pages and how the page interacts with other components
Business unit

Business unit/Acute Care

  • Determines what page the contact us button navigates to
  • Determines which ProCare Services Management Page is associated with the page
Product > (Business unit) > (Product name) Products/Acute Care/S3 1
  • A tag will need to be created as needed for each product
  • This tag drives the appearance of "associated services" image tiles like ProCare

Content type tag

The content type tag determines whether the page will dynamically appear on a capability or speciality page and categorized as a product.

Tags that define
Brand architecture
Tag Folder Example Tag Limit Description
Portfolio Portfolio/Medical and surgical equipment none  
Capability Capability/Bedframes none
  • Determines whether the product dynamically appears in the grid on a given capability page
Specialty Specialty/Medical and surgical beds none
  • Determines whether the product dynamically appears in the grid on a given specialty page
Portfolio page

#5 - Add optional tags

Tags that define if a 
Product belongs to a system or procedure
Tag Folder Example Description
System > (Business unit) > (System name) System/Trauma/T2 Nailing
  • Determines whether the product will dynamically appear on a related system page that uses the Product Group or Product Listing component
Procedure > (Business unit) > (Procedure name) Procedure/Foot and ankle/Closing Wedge Osteotomy
  • Determines whether the product will dynamically appear on a related product page that uses the Product Group or Product Listing component
Portfolio page
Tags that define if a 
Product is filterable by a custom category
Tag Folder Example Description
Custom > (Business unit) > (Custom tag category) > (Custom Tag) Custom/Spine/Anatomy/Lumbar
  • Determines whether the product will dynamically appear as a result when a filter is applied on a capability or specialty page.
Portfolio page