
Brand architecture pages

What is a portfolio, capability and specialty page?

These are the three page types that form the product Brand Architecture section of the site. The page types form a loose rather than a strict hierarchy because an item or product can exist in more than one place. For example, the Spine capability appears in both the orthopaedic and neurotechnology portfolio. 

Page type Usage


  • First level of the hierarchy 
  • Portfolio pages reflect the main product segments of Stryker's offering
  • There are only four Portfolios on the site as determined by the Brand team: Medical and surgical equipment, orthopaedics, neurotechnology and spine, services 


  • Second level of the hierarchy
  • Capability pages represent product groups within a given portfolio
  • The labels within this group generally use functional or operational terms (e.g. bedframes, joint replacement, CMF implants, etc.) 


  • Optional third level of the hierarchy
  • Specialty pages communicate sub-categories based on language customers would use to classify products and services within the capability

How customizable are the pages within the Brand Architecture section? 

The Brand Architecture pages function like sections in a product catalog and are designed to support a smaller set of components. At launch, they will have very limited options for customization. All capability and specialty pages consist of:

  • A hero with a title, subtitle, description and image
  • A body that contains image tiles for each product category (specialty) within the capability and a grid of products, procedures and/or systems that are tagged to that capability
  • A featured content section below the product grid. Businesses can utilize Featured Content components to highlight relevant products and services

Will capability pages all look the same or will authors be able to choose components that best fit their content?

As a result of using the same set of components, the Brand Architecture pages will generally look the same.

Can I have a rotating banner/carousel at the top of a specialty or capability page?

Currently no, however there are plans to enhance these pages after launch.

The Brand Architecture pages are designed to display a limited set of content until a majority of the product section of the website is populated. Once there is a better understanding in regard to the volume of dynamic content that will displayed on the Brand Architecture pages, the team will be able to design appropriate enhancements to these pages which can include a banner carousel.

What is a specialty page and how does it differ from a capability page?

A specialty page is the third-content type in the Brand Architecture and is a child of a capability.

Specialty pages simply provide a way to categorize products within a given capability. A specialty page is optional; for capabilities that have few products, a specialty page may not be needed.

With the exception of the specialty tiles that appear on a capability page, there is no visible difference between a specialty and capability page.

Why are other products appearing on the capability or specialty pages that my business manages?

Products, systems and procedures will appear in a respective capability or specilaity page if they are tagged appropriately. However, businesses are encouraged to work with the owning business and the brand team prior to cross-marketing products.


Product, procedure and system pages

What is the difference between a product, system and procedure page?

These are the three page types that businesses can use to showcase their product offering. See the table below for general guidance around the page types and how they should be used.

The purpose for differentiating between the three content types is best demonstrated on the capability and specialty pages; system pages have a teal 'system' badge and procedures have a purple 'procedure' badge which helps visitors filter the grid by page-type.

Functionally, the only difference between the page types is that the "Product Group" and "Product List" components are available on the procedure and system pages and not on the product page.


Page type Usage Components

Product page

  • Most likely associated with a single SKU
  • Contact information is aligned to a single business
  • Call to action drives to a business' contact info

Procedure page

  • Identifies a group of products used for a procedure
  • Contains collateral and media specific to a procedure
  • Call to action drives to individual product pages
  • Same as Product page
  • Product list
  • Product group

System page

  • Identifies group of products that may be sold together to illustrate a continuum of services/care
  • Positioned to "upsell"
  • Offering can span multiple businesses, portfolios and/or capabilities
  • Call to action drives to individual product pages
  • Same as Product page
  • Product list
  • Product group

What is the process for requesting new pages or removing pages?

Before the initial launch, businesses will need to contact the to add or delete pages. After launch, Business Unit Leads will be trained and can then have control of the pages within their area of the site.

So I've built my product pages, now how am I supposed to organize them into logical groups?

The Brand Architecture is the primary navigation visitors will use to browse Stryker's product offering. This will help present our breadth and depth of products in a context that is relevant to customers rather than the way our company is organized.

Businesses are encouraged to work with the Brand team to evolve the Brand Architecture so it appropriately represents their products.

Through the use of tags on product, procedure, and system pages, businesses can determine where their products appear in the Brand Architecture without making changes directly to the Brand pages. 

To organize products using a taxonomy not supported by the Brand Architecture, businesses can leverage the filter dropdowns on the capability and specialty pages.

Learn how to tag products to appear in speciality pages

How can a business get content placed on the homepage or Brand Architecture pages?

Company pages and the Brand Architecture pages are managed by the Corporate Communications and Brand teams respectively. Businesses will have permissions to "update" Brand Architecture pages and will need to coordinate with the Brand team to publish to production.

To feature content on the homepage or any company page, businesses will need to reach out to the appropriate points of contact on the Corporate Communications team.

How will related products or cross-selling work? 

Businesses can cross-sell products today on product, procedure, or system pages by using Featured Content components in the customizable area to link to related products.

System and procedure pages have two other components: product list and product group, that dynamically populate based on tagging. Cross-selling on Brand Architecture pages is planned after the initial product pages have been created and the site has launched.


Will all the disclaimers and/or trademarks be referenced on a single page for everyone or will it have to be on each individual product page? 

The team is working with legal to determine the best method for handling trademarks across the site. As of now, the current plan is to have a single page that lists all company trademarks in once place and have a global link in the footer that will be visible on all pages. This would eliminate the need for busineses to load it at the bottom of every single page the trademark appears.

Images and resources

Can images just be uploaded at the highest aspect ratio and it just automatically resizes or do individual images need to be provided? 

Highest resolution is fine as long as the aspect ratio is correct. The Digital Asset Management (DAM) system will create renditions so the components throughout the site can render the image correctly.

How do I upload controlled documents?

Controlled documents (surgical techniques, IFUs, etc.) are not to be loaded into the DAM at this time. Those assets should be linked to the system of record (e.g. GCS/CDN) using a combination of an External Asset Library page and Resources and Download component.


How do filters work on capability and specialty pages?

Filters provide businesses with a way to classify products using a taxonomy other than what is covered by the Brand Architecture. Businesses are free to choose product classifications that are best suited for their product offering. Some examples are: indication, product type, brands, etc. Filters on the capability page can be different from the filters on the specialty page.

How many filters will be available?

The maximum number of filters on any page is three.

Can businesses designate what the filters actually are? 

Yes. Businesses can create their filter categories in the "Custom" area of the AEM tagging application. Once filters are created, authors will need to tag each product accordingly. Then, the filters will need to be added to the Filtered Content Grid component of the respective page.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

How does keyword tagging work in regard to SEO?

Page metadata is configurable via the "Page Properties" section.

  • Page title = Title tags
    Make your page title relevant to the page content. This is the link a user will click on in a search engine
  • Description = Description metadata
    This would be the description that appears for the page in a search result. Make it descriptive and informative to that a visitor will know that the page contains content that they are looking for. Because the description will be used throughout the site, avoid using marketing claims that require reference/disclaimers.
  • Tags = Keywords metadata
    Keywords do not play a big role in search engines optimization as they used to, but it is still good practice to populate them. The platform will automatically populate this field based on the items that a page is tagged. If there are keywords that your product page should be associated with, a recommended strategy is to incorporate them into the page content.


Can people code in AEM or are they limited to only the components that exist?

Authors are limited to the components that exist. New functionality will be prioritized and developed in collaboration with the Digital Communications team and Stryker IS.

Because the platform is designed to evolve in order to meet the changing needs of the business; your feedback is welcomed.