
Business content roles
Business Point of Contact

Authorizes who gets what type of access to their folder in AEM.


Has ability to create pages for their business. Can publish or unpublish pages so that they are live on external website or are removed from visibility on external website (AEM platform).


Once a page is created, an updater can edit content: Page properties: Title, subtitle, abstract, content ID, Thumbnail, Hero options, short description, related categories (tags), contact button.


Event content roles

Event publisher

A specific role that has access to the global event folder. An event publisher has the ability to create event details pages for their business that will appear on event calendar pages. As a publisher, authors can publish or unpublish pages without going through a workflow.

*= Events only
Role type Edit Create Publish/Unpublish
Updater Yes    
Publisher Yes Yes Yes
Event publisher Yes* Yes* Yes*
Site Superuser Yes Yes Yes