Publish a page using a workflow

Learn how authors can push their changes to the live site using the workflow process.

1. After editing a page, select Request Publication from the Page Information menu.

2. Schedule a publication date and enter a description of the changes made. The Activation Date field can be left blank to request the page be published immediately.

3. After clicking Request publication on the top menu, the user is returned to the page and shown a message that their request has been made.

4. If the content is rejected, the author is notified that their request has been rejected and can see the reason in their Notifications screen.

5. After correcting the issue the Updater can return to the Notifications screen, check the workflow item, and click Step Back.

6. The author can enter a comment indicating the changes made and click Complete to return the workflow to the previous step, Review Content.

7. Once all approvals have been given, the author's notification screen will show the content has been published.