Publish products globally


Publish products globally | Stryker


The website is designed to facilitate reuse of product content across multiple country and languages sites, reducing the time required for a business publish a product page. The chart outlines the site's global roll-out structure, showing how all country content originates from a staging site called EDIT INTERNATIONAL.  

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Definitions and key concepts

  • Edit-international site: The staging site where authors will revise and edit pages in preparation for rolling them out globally. The goal is to make the content on this staging site universally acceptable across all countries, making it easier to quickly roll to other markets. Any marketing claims that will not be compliant in other regions should be removed and put on a secondary page.

    Products that are not in the US but sold in specific countries should be added at this level. 
  • Baseline product page: This is the page that is owned by a business unit and will represent the product in a country's portfolio, capability and specialty pages. Baseline product pages in the EDIT INTERNATIONAL site should be very simple. It will likely contain content only in sections A&B because that is the minimum content which constitutes a product page.

  • Secondary “Learn more” page: Any content that is for use only in select countries should be moved to a secondary page and a "Learn more" link added to the main product page. In the AEM site architecture, the secondary page will be a 'child' under the baseline product page.

  • Product experience: Product experience pages are an alternative to creating a secondary "learn more" page. A product experience is a way of authoring that creates an altogether new experience (one page or many) under the baseline product page. Optionally, authors can choose to configure the BASELINE product page to automatically redirect traffic directly to the PRODUCT EXPERIENCE, thereby bypassing the baseline product page.



PowerPoint slide deck

Need to present these concepts to a group? This deck will help explain the key concepts to your team.




The following guidelines can help businesses develop content that maximizes reuse and expedite roll-down:

  • Launch the product page in the US-EN site first
  • Plan to edit the product page in the EDIT INTERNATIONAL site so that it is a BASELINE PRODUCT PAGE. This makes it possible for the page to be reused globally (e.g. Any claims that will be unusable in other markets have been removed.) In most cases, only sections A & B of the product page will be the extent of the content on the baseline product page.
  • Limit country-specific claims to a SECONDARY "Learn More" page or PRODUCT EXPERIENCE that is a 'child' of the BASELINE product page. 

Why create a Baseline product page?

Baseline product pages make it possible to populate portfolios and quickly roll out product pages across all 45+ countries without breaking inheritance. For countries where there are limited digital marketing resources, the baseline page may be all that will ever be published for a given product.

What if I don't know what content is acceptable for every country?

Start with editing the content you know will not be approved in other countries. Remove it or revise it as needed. As products roll out to other locations, in-country subject matter experts (SMEs) will need to collaborate with international authors to refine what the baseline product page will look like.

Localizing content

  • Do not localize any content on the BASELINE PRODUCT PAGE. Localizing content on this page will break inheritance to the EDIT INTERNATIONAL master and make future roll-outs difficult. 
  • If content needs to be edited for a specific country or region, consider doing that on the SECONDARY "Learn more" page or creating a PRODUCT EXPERIENCE for that country or region.

Products that are not sold in the US

  • Create new product pages in the EDIT INTERNATIONAL site for any products that will be launched in other countries but are not sold in the US. The edit international site should be the master set of products that are available in all countries.


Original US-EN Content

Before: The original page consists of the basic content in sections A&B and section C which contains claims and materials that may not be approved in all global markets.

Revised content: Option A

Using a secondary "Learn More" page

After: The original content from the US/EN product page has been trimmed to become a very simplified BASELINE product page.

Sections A&B have been revised with language that is suitable in all global markets. Any content that is used in select countries has been moved to a SECONDARY page and a "Learn more" link has been added to the BASELINE product page.

Revised content: Option B

Using a Product Experience page(s)

After: The main product page has been trimmed to become a very simplified BASELINE product page and a redirect has been added. As a result, traffic is passed through to the PRODUCT EXPERIENCE pages.