Product page template

The product page template is used to display information about a specific product in the portfolio.

Release 5.0.9

Product page template

Components in SECTION B on the product page template can now be hidden so that authors have greater flexibility on how the Product pages is designed.

  • Click on the component's wrench icon and select "Hide Component".
  • Once a element is hidden, authors will have to expose the content tree in the left rail to re-enable visibility of the hidden components
    • As part of this enhancement, components that can be hidden can now be added in the customizable parsys: Contact button, Tag crumb

Template sections

Original release

Utility links 
Contains the logo and utility links and search bar that persists across every page on the site. The utility links provide access to other company wide Stryker sites.

Global navigation
This provides top level access to key areas of this site which the target audience is healthcare professionals.

A. Hero section
Descriptive information about the content on the page.

B. Primary product description:

Minimum content required for the build out of the product page.

Optional jump bar
Helps users quickly navigate between different sections of the page by remaining sticky at the top of the page. Selection of a menu button will jump the user to the respective content section. (minimum of 3 sections- max 7 sections)

C. Customizable area
Flexible area that supports various components to build out product information with rich content (videos, image galleries, tables, etc.) Can be divided into sections that will be re?lected in the jump barnavigation.

D. Resources & downloads
Allows visitors to view/download PDF's and other relevant content that Stryker wants to display from the DAM or GCS.

E. Associated services
Service badges appear on products that have ProCare and Flex Financial service offerings and are tagged appropriately.

  • Clicking the ProCare badge will display an overlay with ProCare information specific forthe product.
  • Clicking on the Flex Financial badge will navigate the visitor to the Flex Financial page.

Contains links to social channels and links/disclaimers that should persist across every page on the site. (Legal disclaimers, privacy policies, recalls, etc.)

Required content & descriptions


Page Hero

Content Goal: Provide visitor feedback on their current location and set tone for the product through a short description and accurate product image.

By default the page hero text is taken from the page properties which should be completed when the page is first created.

Title (required)
Name of product. Use ™ or ® where appropriate.

Name of product using keywords a person may use when searching for the product in Google. Keep descriptive, ie. Medical surgical bed.

Product abstract (required) 1 – 2 sentences that describes the productin a way that would appear in Google search results and help a visitor understand whether this is the product they are looking for. Does NOT contain any product claims.

Hero image
Minimum image size: 785px (w) x 469px (h) @72dpi. 

Note: Content in this area will be re-used whenever the page is referenced in other pages and Search Engine Optimization. Keep text descriptive of the product; avoid placing marketing claims that require references.


Product description

Content Goal:  A description of the product. Key features, benefits and marketing claims with references are permitted.

Title (required)
Title of your short description.

Short description
1– 2 paragraphs that describe the features and benefits of the product.

Bullet list: Add field to add more bullets. Can contain product claims. 

Short Description (bottom): Additional space if needed. 

Contact business unit
Drives the customer to contact detail page for the owning business unit which is defined by the business unit tag in the page properties.

Secondary call to action
Optional link to be used for other purposes with the goal being to increase conversion of key visitor tasks (e.g. locate a rep, schedule a demo, etc.) 

Portfolio tags
Displays the Portfolio, Capability and Specialty pages on which the product appears. These tags are defined in the page properties.

Note: Cutting and pasting fields in AEM will keep formatting. It is recommended that authors first clear all formatting from text before pasting into AEM by first pasting it into an application like notepad. 


Good to know

Use a product page template when:

  • You are describing a single product
  • Contact/Order Information is aligned to a single business
  • The primary conversion is to drive a visitor to contact the business unit.


Create a new product page

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