Delete an Asset from the DAM

Because deleting assets from the DAM can impact downstream systems and sites, only ADMIN level roles can delete assets.

PUBLISHERS or UPDATERS can request assets or pages to deleted by clicking the REQUEST link at the top of this page and submitting a form to the Digital communications team. 

Create a version instead of deleting

Regarding assets, a best practice for PUBLISHERS and UPDATERS is to use the CREATE VERSION option rather than requesting for an asset to be deleted. By creating a version, authors can update the asset on on referencing pages without having to re-link the asset. If the asset were to be deleted, the author will need to identify all pages referencing to the old file and then update them to point to the new file. An added benefit of using "Create Version" is that the old asset remains in the system in case a roll-back is needed. 

NOTE: Updates may take up to 24 hours to appear in production.

  1. In the DAM, navigate to the folder of the asset to be versioned.
  2. Upload the new version of the asset using the same file name.
  3. In the alert that appears, select "Create Version".
  4. Publish the new version.
  5. The cache will clear in 24 hours and then the asset will appear in production.