Countries and languages component

Defines the settings that drive the geolocation button on the global gateway, interstitial alert and a site's country/language indicator.

This component is located in the application root page and drives the behavior of the Geolocation button that appears on the default page as well as the country language indicator in the utility bar of every page. Below is the list of attributes that must be set for each country and language site.

Only users who are site superusers can modify these settings.

Geolocation button settings

  • Country Name*: Name of the country
  • Country Code*: Two-character ISO code for the country. The geolocation button will match this code to render the appropriate country when a person visits the global gateway. For example, a visitor in Australia will see a button with AUSTRALIA, while a visitor from Italy will see a button with ITALIA.
  • Geolocation Button Label: Label that will appear on the geolocation button
  • Default language for country: For countries that may have two languages, clicking the check box that will make that language site the destination of the geolocation button.
  • Internal Link: The internal site that the geolocation button will navigate to when clicked
  • External Link: If the country site is not yet on AEM, you may specify an external URL. If both the link options are configured, then the internal link will be displayed.


Utility bar site indicator

  • Display Country Label: Label that will appear for the country site in the utility bar
  • Display Language Label: Label that will appear for the language site in the utility bar


Interstitial Alert

For countries that require a "You are leaving..." message when a link navigates the visitor away from the country/language site, configure the following optional fields in the appropriate localized language.

  • Title: Bold text that will appear in the alert window
  • Message: Body text that will appear in the alert window
  • Continue Button Label: The label of the button that will navigate the visitor to the external link
  • Cancel Button Label: The label of the button that will dismiss the alert and keep the visitor on the current country/language site