Curated call-to-action

Create a fully customizable call-to-action by providing unique image and copy.


Curated call-to-action | Stryker


Unlike the "Featured Content" components which generate a call-to-action by referencing a specific page within a site, this component allows an author to create a fully customizable call-to-action by providing unique image and copy.

Links to resources:

User manual

Configuration settings

  • Image
  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Description
CTA button (1 per component)
  • Label
  • Link type (see types)
  • URL
  • Text
  • Link type (see types)
  • URL
Link types
  • GCS link: Specify a GCS Document ID
  • Asset link: Specify an asset in the DAM
  • Internal link: Path selector for an internal page
  • External link: Specify an http:// or https://
  • Deep linking ID: Works in collaboration with the Section Title component

Good to know

  • All fields are optional; complete the CTA button field only if you just need a button on your page
  • Content re-flows based on the size of the column

When using multiple Curated CTA components next to each other, match the usage (e.g. if a subtitle is not used on one, do not use subtitles on the others), and line lengths for consistency in overall presentation.


Below are examples of the component's flexibility. The display depends on what fields are completed.

Only button field populated:

Button and image fields populated:

All fields populated:


This is a subtitle

This is a short description. This is a short description. This is a short description. This is a short description. This is a short description.

This is a CTA Button

Images with non-standard aspect ratios

Below are examples of how the component handles images with proportions that do not follow the recommended size.

Example Tab Control

Stryker’s Culture

Stryker is a leading Medical Technology company. Stryker’s mission is “Together with our customers, we are driven to make healthcare better”.

Video Subtitle

Video Description

STAR Total Ankle Patient Testimonial

Larry Staton shares his story and experience with the STAR Total Ankle Replacement. 

Video Subtitle

Video Description

Header1 Header2 Header3
Content1 Content2 Content3
Content4 Content5 Content6


Video: How to create a curated call-to-action