Cross-Promotional Badge

A cross-promotional badge allows you to define a graphic that represents a service or capability and tag multiple products with that badge.


The cross-promotional badge allows authors to define a graphic that will render at the bottom of a product page, indicating that the product is associated with a service, feature, or capability. Examples of badges are Flex Financial, various design awards, and an iBed Wireless enabled product, etc. If a visitor clicks the badge, they will navigate to a landing page that describes the service, feature or capability.

In contrast to manually adding the badge using a standalone image and configuring it repeatedly across multiple products, this component will manage the badge image configuration from a "service management" page so that it can be updated in one place without having to republish the product pages.

Multiple badges can be added to a page. They will appear below the customizable area and tiled from left to right up to 3 columns wide with the 4th badge wrapping to the next row.

Configuration settings

The following prerequistes must be met before using this component:

  1. The products on which the badge will appear should be owned by your Business Unit
  2. Each product page should be tagged with a Product > (business unit) > (product name) tag

Upload the badge to Assets

  1. Create the graphic for the badge and upload it to the DAM.

Recommended graphic sizes

Create a Service Management page

  1. In the tagging application, create a tag for the service, feature, or capability under stryker/services/(your new service)
  2. In Sites, under your business unit/services folder, create a new page using the SERVICES MANAGEMENT TEMPLATE. Title the page "(Your new service) management". One unique page will need to exist for each badge. 
  3. Tag the page with the following 3 tags and save the page.
  • Stryker > Content Type > Service Management
  • Stryker > Business Unit > (Your Business Unit)
  • Stryker > Services > (Your new service)

Add a Cross Promotional Badge Component

  1. Open the page in the editor and add a CROSS PROMOTIONAL SERVICE OBJECT component
  2. Configure it as follows:
  • Link to page: Select the page that a visitor should navigate to if the badge is clicked
  • Product Tag: Select the product(s) from your business on which this tag should appear
  • Image: Select the image you uploaded
  • Alternate Text: Provide text that describes the graphic


  1. Publish the graphic, tags, and service management page.
  2. Check the product pages; the badge should appear without having to republish the product pages.


See examples of service management pages

Cross promo #1

Cross promo #2

Cross promo #3

Cross promo #4