Animated bar graph


Allows the presentation of numbers and data in a horizontal or vertical bar graph.


  • Chart type: Bar or Column
  • Chart height: Specifies the height of the chart in pixels
  • Chart title/subtitle: Displays a caption for the graph
  • Title location/alignment: Determines the position of the chart title
  • Number type: Number, Currency, Percentage
  • Axis minimum value: Determines the value at which the value axis will start from
  • Show in tool tips: If no checkboxes are selected, then tooltips will not show
  • Series color: Hue/Tint that the bar will be rendered in
  • Series category name: Text that will appear along the axis at the base of the bar/column
  • Series value: Number that will be represented by the size of the bar/column
  • Show category on axis: For each bar, the author has the option to show or hide the category name in along the axis.

Example of component

History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions
History of revenue growth
$ in billions

Video:  How to create an animated bar graph