Release 3.0

What's new?

The following components have been enhanced or newly released as part of the 3.0 release.

Features Description Templates/Components
Anchor links
  • The CTA component now supports anchor or "deep links" that enable authors to create links that will jump to a Section title on a page. 

Event Calendar

  • Create events and display them on a calendar.
  • Support for international addresses for event locations.
  • Display events in time zone of the event location.
  • Download an iCal file calculated for the timezone of the user.


Global Gateway
  • Display a page that allows visitors to select a specific country/language site.
  • Display a button that hints at the best country/language match based on their geolocation.
Global Gateway cookie
  • Remembers a visitor's country/language selection and automatically redirects them to it the next time they visit
  • Cookie is cleared by clicking on Country/Language Selector link at the top of a page.
  • Global gateway
"Leaving site" alert
  • Notifies visitors when they click on a link that navigates them outside of the country/language site
  • (Part of the Countries and Languages component)
Form topics
  • Allows authors to configure multiple topics for Business Unit forms and send a copy of the request to multiple email addresses

Last updated date

  • Displays the month and year when a page was last published. Appears above the footer and below the page disclaimer.
  • (Site wide)