Release 2.0

What's new?

The following components have been enhanced or newly released as part of the 2.0 release.

Design and layout components

Features Component name Customizations

Title text options

Large Headline Component

  • Brand font family
  • Font sizing in VW for responsive resizing
  • Brand colors
Variation in font color and sizes


  • Brand font family
  • Font sizing in ems for responsive reflowing
  • Brand colors
Buttons with colors and icons

Engagement Call-to-action (CTA) *NEW*

  • Globally defined look (label/icon) for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Contact us buttons
  • Branded color options
Horizontal dividers

Section divider *NEW*

  • Available in any column
  • Colors: Gray, Black, White

Full width images with text overlay

Full width image *NEW*

Full width image Hero *NEW*

  • Background image that fills up 100% of the content area
  • Overlay Large Headline, RTE, and Custom CTA components
  • Layout options for 25%, 33%, 50%, 60% text


Features Component name Customizations

Pie Charts

Pie Chart *NEW*

  • Category colors
  • Pie or doughnut
  • Number format

Bar graphs

Animated Bar Graph *NEW*

  • Graph height
  • Column or bar
  • Series colors
  • Number format
Animated numbers

Animated number counter *NEW*

  • Colors
  • Number format


Features Component name Customizations

Local Navigation

Parent templates

  • System template
  • Procedure template
  • Tier 2 landing page

Child template

  • Long page details
  • Specify the number of children pages displayed by default