Release 5.0.9

Relative links in experience fragments

  • Relative links are now supported in experience fragments (XF). When a page using an experience fragment is rolled down to a country site, links created in the XF that point to a parent site (e.g. us/en/) will be converted to a local link. 
  • For example: If an experience fragment contains a relative link (/us/en/about.html) and the page using that XF is rolled out to another site (Italy), the link will be updated to point to the page for the respective site (/it/it/about.html).
  • When customers click on the link in the XF on a page in the Italy site, customers will be taken to the Italian "About" page.
    • NOTE: Authors will be responsible for ensuring the respective page exists on the local site. If the page does not exist, the customer will have a broken link.
    • If authors do not want the link to be translated to the local site upon roll-out, the XF will need to use the full URL rather than the path selector. (e.g.

Jump bar navigation

Enhancements to the jump bar navigation allows authors to hide the SECTION TITLE component and still maintain its "anchor" position on the page. When hidden, the title will still appear in the jump navigation, allowing the visitors to scroll to section on the page. This configuration is useful if authors prefer to design their own 'section title' using a large headline or RTE component rather than the default section title style.

Marketo form

The Marketo component now supports forms created in the Marketo Sandbox enviroment. This enables testing of Marketo programs prior to deploying to production.

Product page template

Components in SECTION B on the product page template can now be hidden so that authors have greater flexibility on how the Product pages is designed.

  • Click on the component's wrench icon and select "Hide Component".
  • Once a element is hidden, authors will have to expose the content tree in the left rail to re-enable visibility of the hidden components
    • As part of this enhancement, components that can be hidden can now be added in the customizable parsys: Contact button, Tag crumb

Resources and downloads component

A new RESOURCES AND DOWNLOADS FOR XF component has been released for use in Experience Fragments. This version of the component allows authors to specify custom thumbnails for documents by pointing to that resource in the DAM. If authors prefer to use the default thumbnail generated by the system, authors can simply enter the same value (e.g. the same PDF file name) in both the "Resource" and "Thumbnail" field.

The component has also been updated to reflow when into a list-style view when viewed on smaller screensizes.

Stand alone video

The Stand alone video component supports the option to hide the black border around the video. This enables videos with white backgrounds to merge with the page background. 

Stand alone image

The Standalone image component now features an option to dispaly a single pixel stroke in a brand compliant color around the image. This will help define the boundary of an image with an all-white background.