Hero Components


Several component options are available for the top sections of the product, procedure, system and tier 2 pages: 1) default hero, 2) curated hero, 3) large banner hero and 4) long text hero. 

  Page hero Curated hero Large banner hero Long text hero
Features Content is based on page properties
Similar appearance to Page Hero but de-coupled from page properties
Offers carousel functionality, customizable color bars, multiple images and taglines
Description supports longer test and basic formatting
Image source Page thumbnail or authorable Authorable Authorable slides Page thumbnail or authorable
Available on product page Yes No Yes Yes
Available on procedure page
Yes No Yes Yes
Available on system page
Yes No Yes Yes
Available on tier 2page
Yes Yes No Yes


All business unit, product, procedure, system and tier 2 pages must have one and only one hero component.

If choosing to use an alternative page hero, delete the default page hero component before adding the new one.

Hero Component Types

The Page Hero is the default for all product, procedure and system pages.

The curated hero has a similar appearance as the page hero, however all aspects are authorable.

The Large Banner Hero is a series of carousel slides with an edge to edge color bar that allows authors to overlay a graphic, title, subtitle, and link.

The long text hero automatically generates the page title and subtitle from the page properties. Unlike the page hero, the description is authorable and supports longer text entry, basic text formatting like bold and italics and support for hyperlinks.