Event calendar

Display a list of global calendar events. The list can be filtered by the author or by the visitor.


The EVENT CALENDAR generates a list of all global medical education events entered into the CVENT platform and displays it on a page. Visitors can filter the list based on tags for:

  • Region
  • Event Type
  • Primary Audience
  • Accredited
  • Meeting Format
  • Events must be entered by individuals who have been trained to use the the CVENTS system
  • To place a calendar on a page, authors must coordinate with the Marketing Operations team
    • The Marketing Operations team can also work with your business to create a custom calendar view
    • A custom calendar view can include different filters or consist of a refined list of events that have been pre-filtered according to specific criteria (e.g. US Surgeon Events Only)
  • Only one calendar can appear per page
  • For best performance, the calendar should be placed in a column that is no smaller than 66% of the page width


What is customizable in a calendar?

  • Which events to display on the calendar
  • When an event disappears from the calendar
  • Whether users can filter events
    • Which fields users can filter by
  • What category appears as tags for each event (gray pill-shaped elements)

Marketing Operations Admins

Add the script below to control the appearance of the calendar when adding the embed code:

<style type="text/css"> #calendar-widget-content {font-size:14px;font-family:"HumanistSlab712W01", Cambria, Palatino, serif;}</style>

Global Medical Education Calendar