person grabbing AED unit from wall mount

AEDs for the community

If a sudden cardiac arrest strikes an employee, customer, family member or friend, are you prepared to help save a life?


Workplace and public safety | Stryker

Be prepared for a sudden cardiac arrest — even before EMS arrives

An AED program is a critical link in the chain of survival, empowering you to deliver lifesaving intervention before an EMS team arrives. With more than a million AEDs deployed globally, Stryker offers diverse options and deep expertise to help you choose the right device and cost-effectively manage your AED program.

Be ready for the unthinkable
Be ready for the unthinkable
An AED is an essential public safety device that can help someone survive in an emergency. Your AED should always be at the ready.
Find the perfect fit
Find the perfect fit
There are many AED products on the market. Learn which products and solutions are best for your organization.
Manage and maintain your AEDs
Manage and maintain your AEDs 
An effective AED program helps to ensure that your AEDs and trained staff are ready to save a life at any time. Learn how Stryker makes it easy to own, manage and maintain your AEDs.

Survivor stories: See how quick intervention can make a difference

After a morning run, Derrick began to feel some chest discomfort. His wife, Melissa, a healthcare professional trained in resuscitation, quickly recognized the warning signs of a sudden cardiac arrest.

Learn how Melissa's quick thinking saved Derrick's life. 


Submit a survivor story

Survivor: Esley Thorton

The most important thing to Esley Thorton is his family. Watch how they each played a role in saving his life with the help of an AED they keep in their kitchen pantry.

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Survivor: Bennett Hart

A rare genetic condition caused Bennett Hart’s heart to stop three times between the ages of 8 and 15. Watch how this determined student athlete overcomes every obstacle with the support of his friends and family.

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Survivor: Jordan Schoen

Jordan Schoen was only 17 when he collapsed on the basketball court. Watch to learn how the system of care saved his life and why this experience drove his family to give back to their community.

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Survivor: Bob Whetton

Seven cardiac arrest events, seven saves. Watch this video to discover more about the cardiac arrest response system at Brighton FC's AMEX stadium.

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Learn more about sudden cardiac arrest

Here are several resources on why AEDs matter. Click here to view more on the Emergency Care newsroom.

From youth leagues to pros: AEDs play a vital role in safeguarding athletes of all ages

In the fast-paced world of sports, where victories and challenges unfold on the field, athletes face a silent and unpredictable adversary—sudden cardiac arrest. This life-threatening condition knows no age or athletic level, impacting young individuals engaged in youth sports to professionals performing at their peak.

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Knowing when to use an AED: CPR and AED guidelines for sudden cardiac arrest

When to use an AED is crucial in sudden cardiac arrest situations. Learn how to recognize sudden cardiac arrest symptoms and act promptly to help increae the chance of survival.

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AED buying guide

An effective AED program is a critical link in the chain of survival, empowering you to deliver lifesaving intervention even before emergency services arrive. Stryker offers diverse options to help you choose the right defibrillator for your employees and customers.

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How to prepare your workplace for a sudden cardiac emergency

A workplace emergency is an unforeseen event that can endanger your employees or customers. These incidents can disrupt or shut down your operations. While you can never be fully prepared for every emergency, developing a plan of action prior to a possible emergency is key to responding in a timely and appropriate manner.

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The role of defibrillation during sudden cardiac arrest

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Defibrillator 101

Defibrillators detect the heart’s rhythm and send potentially lifesaving shocks to the heart if needed. They can help correct an arrhythmia and restore a normal heartbeat if the heart suddenly stops beating.

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Stryker's Forward Hearts program logo - yellow and black with a heart behind it

Pay it forward

Forward Hearts lets survivors of a sudden cardiac arrest event pay it forward and potentially save another life by donating an automated external defibrillator (AED) to the organization of the survivor's choice.


Interested in learning more? Connect with an expert

LIFEPAK CR2 defibrillator

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LIFEPAK 1000 defibrillator

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HeartSine samaritan PAD 450P

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HeartSine samaritan PAD 350P/360P AED

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