Patient impact
Our customers and their patients are at the heart of everything we do. The real-life impact of the technology we create inspires our dedication to improving patient outcomes. 
How Janet recovered from a vertebral (spine) compression fracture


When Janet fell to the floor after tripping on the stairs in her Louisiana home, she knew something wasn’t right. After experiencing several weeks of lower back pain that wasn’t improving, she reached out to her doctor and learned she had suffered from a compression fracture in her spine, a broken bone that can cause the vertebrae to collapse and become shorter.


Janet worked with Dr. Jason Smith to learn about the treatment options for her T11 vertebral compression fracture, or ‘VCF’ for short. He performed a kyphoplasty, a minimally invasive procedure to help restore function to her spine. “She did great. She was able to move and came in on her own at two weeks without any sort of independent devices, like a brace or walker. She was back to doing her normal things pretty quickly,” says Dr. Smith. “If someone was going to have the procedure I had and is wondering if they should or not, absolutely have it. It allows me to do the things I need to do,” says Janet.

Katherine’s catastrophic stroke
survivor story

Meet Katherine Wolf, a stroke survivor who suffered from a catastrophic stroke when she was just 26 years old. Learn how her husband acted fast to get her care and how her doctor performed surgery for 16 hours to save her life.

In life there are hard things, and there are good things. And they are not mutually exclusive. My story represents a picture of a family that has gone on after tremendous odds were stacked against them.” 


Catastrophic stroke survivor

More stories

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Derrick’s sudden cardiac arrest story


Gary’s Mako Total Knee 
replacement story

Learn more about Mako

Taking action
Boris’ stroke story

Learn more about angioplasty and stenting

Patient education

For more information, please visit the sites below.

Access information on orthopaedic health and joint replacement. Find a surgeon who can help their patients return to the activities of daily living.

A site dedicated to helping patients learn about Stryker’s early, minimally invasive solutions that may relieve chronic back pain and help patients get back to their active lives as quickly as possible.

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) conditions can be accompanied by various mild to disruptive symptoms, that can impact a person's quality of life. We offer a range of solutions to treat these conditions, using exciting new technologies designed with patient outcomes in mind.