Reimagining healthcare efficiency: how SSS leads the way in medical device reprocessing


In today's healthcare environment, hospitals are constantly seeking ways to reduce costs and improve sustainability without compromising the quality of care. One innovative solution that has gained traction is the reprocessing of single-use medical devices. At the forefront of this movement is Stryker's Sustainability Solutions (SSS), the trusted reprocessing partner for over 3,250 facilities across the US and Canada.

Proven savings and trust

SSS has built a strong reputation for delivering significant cost savings and high-quality service. In 2023, the average savings for a 250-bed hospital that reprocessed with SSS was a staggering $373,718. This highlights the financial benefits of reprocessing, allowing hospitals to reallocate funds to other critical areas such as patient care, staff salaries and advanced medical technologies.

Impressive reprocessing milestones

Over the last five years, SSS has reprocessed 145.2 million single-use medical devices. This impressive feat is a testament to our ability to collect and reprocess a wide range of products effectively. Strong collections across all product lines have cemented Stryker's Sustainability Solutions' position as the leader in the reprocessing industry, ensuring out partners' reprocessing programs are not only successful but highly efficient.

Education and staff engagement

A successful reprocessing program hinges on the buy-in from nursing and clinical staff. Understanding how and what to reprocess is crucial. SSS recognizes this and has developed training programs led by their experienced sales and service team. These experts educate hospital staff on proper disposal and reprocessing techniques, ensuring that everyone is on board and knowledgeable about the process. This educational support is a critical component of SSS's service, fostering a culture of sustainability and efficiency within healthcare facilities.

Environmental impact

In addition to cost savings, reprocessing with SSS has significant environmental benefits. In 2023 alone, SSS helped customers divert 5 million pounds of waste from landfills. This achievement underscores the environmental responsibility that SSS promotes, helping hospitals reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the circular economy.

The future with SSS

As healthcare facilities continue to face financial pressures and the need for sustainable practices, reprocessing will play an increasingly important role. SSS is prepared to support this shift, offering proven solutions that deliver substantial savings and promote environmental stewardship. For hospitals looking to optimize resources, enhance sustainability efforts, and maintain high standards of patient care, SSS is here to partner with you. 



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