Sage M-Care for meatal cleansing cloths for Foley-catheterized patients

Sage M-Care meatal cleansing cloths

Provide a clean technique for your Foley-catheterized patient.



Sage M-Care Meatal Cleansing Cloth | Stryker

Standards for proper meatal cleansing are not well-defined, which can lead to process variation. M-Care meatal cleansing cloths provide a clean technique for your Foley-catheterized patient. Traditional incontinence cleanup methods may increase the risk of infection from hospital tap water and cross contamination from basins. Clean hands, fresh gloves, and M-Care meatal cleansing cloths can help standardize meatal hygiene in your facility.

  • Tested for functional compatibility with common latex and silicone Foley catheters
  • Non-antiseptic, pH-balanced solution is non-irritating to the skin
  • Ultra-soft cloths are comfortable for the patient while removing contaminants and debris
  • Single-use, non-resealable package promotes proper infection control practice

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