
Celebrating Nurses Month: Honoring frontline heroes through the Journey to Zero program 

Nurse posing for picture

Celebrating dedication and courage

As we celebrate Nurses Week 2024, it's a great time to spotlight the dedication and unwavering courage of nurses nationwide. These healthcare heroes are not just at the heart of patient care—they’re pivotal in shaping a safer, more efficient healthcare environment. At Stryker, we recognize their vital role and work to develop a culture of safety through the development of our Journey to Zero program.

A commitment to safety and support

Nurses face challenges while trying to reduce the risk of infection or injury and managing patient care under demanding conditions. The physical toll on healthcare workers, particularly nurses, can be substantial, leading to injuries that are often overlooked as part of the job. At Stryker, we believe that pain shouldn’t be a part of the job. Our Journey to Zero program is more than just a commitment; it’s an actionable pathway to reducing healthcare worker safety issues, helping those who care for others to do so safely and effectively. 

Innovative tools for enhanced care

The Journey to Zero program includes customized services and specialized assistive devices to help reduce the risk of injury and help drive improved outcomes. During Nurses Month, we emphasize not only the struggles faced by nurses but also the solutions that can make their jobs safer and more satisfying.

Education and empowerment

Empowering nurses with the right devices is just the beginning. Our program also provides ongoing education and leadership workshops tailored to the nuances of healthcare settings. By offering assessments, benchmarking, and utilization and outcome tracking, we aim to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to drive change and promote a safer working environment.

Building toward a future of zero harm

The goal of the Journey to Zero program is ambitious yet fundamental: achieve zero healthcare worker injuries. As we celebrate Nurses Month, let's remember that investing in the wellbeing of our nurses is paramount to staff safety, retention, and patient outcomes.

Learn more about the Journey to Zero program here.

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