
Improve health


Lower costs


Better care

Triple aim of healthcare

ENRICH clinical trial

The ENRICH trial is a pivotal clinical trial providing level 1 evidence in ICU settings, utilizing a multi-centered, two-arm, randomized, adaptive comparative-effectiveness study design. Integrated advanced technologies, including Nico BrainPath and Myriad, to evaluate surgical interventions for lobar intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in specific brain locations, offering critical insights into treatment efficacy.

Evidence is mounting

Patient lives impacted

Presentations at national and international Neurosurgical conferences

Peer-reviewed publications and abstracts

These independent publications show:
Improved safety, efficiency and reduced surgical morbidity associated with the MIPS technique while using NICO technologies.1

Evidence also suggests MIPS supported by BrainPath provides economic value for the hospital when analyzing the entire episode of care.4 This, combined with a reduction in the ICU length of stay, helps improve the patient experience of care and supports healthcare’s commitment to achieving the Triple Aim.

ICH evacuation clinical impact

Clinical Advantages
Using a repeatable approach (trans-sulcal, parafascicular) and technology (BrainPath for access and NICO Myriad NOVUS to mechanically evacuate the clot) provides three clinical advantages for ICH evacuation:

  1. Intervention in an acute time period without clot stability2
  2. Effective hemostasis management using a bi-manual technique2
  3. Consistent evacuation >90% of clot2,3,4,5

Selected clinical outcomes

  • 98.2% median clot evacuation2
  • mRS <3 in 63% of patients3
  • <15mL EOT volumes in 94 of 98 patients studied2,3,4,5
  • Statistically significant post-op GCS improvement2,4
  • Mortality Improvement (vs pre-op ICH score)2,4
  • Decrease in ICU length of stay from 12 to 4 days6

Selected economic outcomes

  • Increased surgical options for patients vs medical management.1
  • Reduction in repetitive non-contrast CT scans.4
  • Throughput
    • 55% decrease in mechanical ventilation days.4
    • 18% decrease in neuro-ICULOS days, freeing-up neuro-ICU beds.4
    • 47% decrease in cost per patient.4





Tumor and brain biopsy clinical impact

In a 2020 Meta-Analysis published in World Neurosurgerythat included 29 publications meeting rigorous inclusion criteria, more than 280 patients were included in a review of current studies on use of MIPS with BrainPath. The outcomes not only confirmed the success of non-disruptive, trans-sulcal access and the ability to achieve microsurgical techniques and hemostasis management, but also the following:

Selected clinical outcomes

  • Lower surgical morbidity / post-operative complications (8.3%) as compared to traditional craniotomy7
  • 80.6% of cases achieved gross total resection7
  • 100% gross total resection for colloid cyst7
  • 100% success in achieving pathologic diagnosis for all biopsy cases7

Selected clinical outcomes

  • Several cohorts have reported shorter length of hospital stay with MIPS using BrainPath as compared to traditional craniotomy, with benefits of:
    • Minimal wound disruption7
    • Decreased risk of post-operative wound infection7
    • Lower post-operative complications7








Post-Op MR-DTI



Economic impact

Clinical paper shows substantial economic benefit to hospital.

  • Greater than 50% average reduction in ICU length of stay6
  • Average economic benefit to the hospital of $12,000 per patient for 28 patients6
  • Net estimated benefit to the bottom line of $329,6595


Economic benefit of BrainPath surgery* for appropriate patients



Economic return
*refer to Table 5 in published paper

54% reduced LOS



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