The Oculan Platform

Redefining the standard of surgical lighting. 


The Oculan Platform, inclusive of two unique surgical lights, is built to deliver consistent, bright light to the surgical site while providing differentiated solutions to customer needs. Leveraging our modular suspension and the addition of our advanced clinical applications Microspot and SHD Mode, this lighting platform is designed to provide a smoother visual experience for clinical staff.



Moving the needle forward in 
surgical lighting.

The Oculan Platform redefines the surgical lighting experience while providing innovative, clinical solutions to common lighting challenges.



The Oculan Platform provides a personalized, uniform,

high-quality light 


with superior 



range of 

spot sizes,





and enabling clear visualization for illumination of the surgical site. 

The Oculan Platform leverages our modular Chromophare suspension for seamless upgrades with backwards compatibility to reduce OR downtime and prioritize innovation. This suspension also provides intentional light head design to prioritize optimal OR conditions with laminar flow, heat dissipation, and consistent maneuverability to minimize workflow challenges.1



The Oculan Platform delivers Stryker’s first clinical advancement in surgical lighting.


The Oculan + feature of SHD Mode.


SHD (Surgical High-Definition) Mode, offered exclusively with Oculan +, enables the removal of perceived red from the surgical site which is designed to improve contrast, tissue differentiation, and reduction of glare off instrumentation to improve the visual experience.


The Oculan Platform includes specialized clinical applications such as Microspot and SHD Mode* (Oculan +) to enhance clarity and improve the visualization experience in open surgeries. These cutting-edge features provide new levels of illumination and precision.


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1If upgrading F528/SLX528 to Oculan or Oculan Plus, please contact PE for restriction information.