Stryker's Cub hospital crib


Pediatric Crib

Visually communicates a comforting environment for small children and their families.


Cub | Stryker

Safe. Access. Ease of Use.

When you're using our products that are developed with safety and ease-of-use at the forefront of design, you can feel confident you're giving your patients the best care possible. The Cub Pediatric Crib has a simple, safe design that's warm friendly appearance cultivates a comforting environment for small children and their families.

  • 360 Access with all four siderails being lowered
  • 4 swing open silent access doors
  • Optional integrated scale
  • Retractable fifth wheel

Product features

Stryker's Cub hospital crib includes a retracting backrest

Retracting backrest

Helps eliminate head-end gap and improves safety for the child.

Stryker's Cub hospital crib can be equipped with optional potective top

Optional protective top

Can be equipped with intermediate support position on each side. 

Stryker's Cub hospital crib includes retractable fifth wheel for convenient mobility

Retractable fifth wheel

Helps improve mobility, while a central-locking braking system makes operation simple and convenient.

Stryker's Cub hospital crib can include an optional integrated weight scale

Optional integrated scale

The scale system allows the reading of a patient’s weight in pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg).

Stryker's Cub hospital crib includes large-latted siderails and quiet, swing-open access


Safe and convenient care

Large-slatted siderails provide a warm and friendly appearance and can be completely lowered for 360-degree unobstructed access to the patient.

Quiet swing-open access doors allow convenient patient care without disturbing a sleeping child. The access doors have built in safety features to help ensure a child cannot open it from the inside.

All activation points are colored red and require two adult size hand movements to initiate. This helps to ensure movements are deliberate and the patient remains in the crib.

Interested in learning more? Contact an expert.