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Eligibility to participate in the UHC Basic HSA or UHC Premium HSA medical plan is described in the Medical benefits section. You must be covered under the UHC Basic or Premium HSA medical plan in order to participate in the HSA. If you enroll in a high deductible health plan (UHC Basic or Premium plan) and you wish to opt out of the HSA component, you must contact your Benefits Team immediately upon enrollment. In addition, in order to be eligible for a Health Savings Account you:
Must not be covered by any medical plan considered non-qualified by the IRS. (This does not include coverage under an ancillary plan such as vision or dental, or any other permitted insurance as defined by the IRS.)
  • Must not, as an employee of Stryker, be enrolled in Medicare or Tricare.
  • Must not be claimed as a dependent on another person's tax return.
  • Must not have coverage by an HRA or health care FSA that does not limit reimbursements to permitted limited scope (dental and vision), preventive or post-deductible expenses, which disqualifies a person from making or receiving tax-free HSA contributions. This rule applies even if the HRA or health care FSA coverage is provided to the HSA owner's spouse or other family member.
You can obtain additional information on your HSA online at You may also contact your tax advisor. Please note that additional rules may apply to a spouse's (who is an eligible individual) intent to opening an HSA.