Stryker Sub-processors

Name Address Purpose of use
OnApps Managed Solutions, LLC Indiana, USA Web Hosting provider
SolvEdge, Inc. Illinois, USA Data Processing
Web application development
SAAS provider
Data Classification and Data Lineage/Mapping
Data Anonymisation
Microsoft Washington, USA Cloud Hosting provider
Egress Software Technologies Ltd. London, UK Email Encryption and Secure Transmission and hosting of documents/files
GlobalLogic San Jose, CA, USA Cloud Operations & Support (Operational support is from US and Ukraine)
Future Health Works Ltd. London, UK SAS provider
LifeIMAGE Newton, MA, USA Analysis of CT scans to convert to machine instructions for Mako
Redox Wisconsin, USA Secure integration and interoperability with Electronic Medical Records Systems at healthcare institutions 
Healthjump Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Secure data interoperability and innovation platform explicitly created for digital healthcare companies