Partners in prevention
Stryker's Acute Care business develops innovative medical equipment focused on helping improve outcomes for patients and caregivers. We are focused on safety, prevention, and ease of use - bringing caregivers confidence and delivering proven outcomes.
Why Stryker?
Our products and passion for improving outcomes help make the lives of patients, and the people who care for them, better.
Making healthcare better.
Emergency Care
We create innovative solutions to help improve patient outcomes and caregiver efficiency across the continuum of care. Our products are designed to address preventable never-events, while maximizing efficiency and profitability for healthcare facilities.
We envision a society in which you are able to do your job safely and effectively, with the right tools to save lives.
Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademark(s) or service mark(s): Arise 1000 EX, BackSmart, Big Wheel, Chaperone, CHG, ComfortGel, Connected Hospital, Cub, DuoGard, Epic, Glideaway, GoBed, Gynnie, HeelCare, iBed, InTouch, IsoAir, Isolibrium, Knee Assist, Lift Assist, Lock-Rite, Nara, Pioneer, PositionPRO, ProForm, Protocol Reminders, S3, Secure, Skoocher, Spirit One, Spirit Select, Spirit Plus, StayPut, Surgistool, Tru-Fit, TruRize, Symmetry, Watchdog, XPRT, Zone Control and Zoom. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.
Last Updated December/2023