informed decisions


In the OR, you make life-changing decisions on a daily basis. That’s why we stepped up to make your life easier. With the 1688 AIM 4K Platform’s improved clarity, we’ve created a support system standardized for a variety of different surgical procedures.

Select a mode to see more

Contrast - High-contrast image with a real-time SPY fluorescence overlay

Overlay - A white-light image with a real-time fluorescence overlay

ENV - Grayscale with SPY fluorescence overlay

IRIS - Illuminated stents for improved anatomical identification

White light - Smart AutoLight system that self-adjusts based on anatomy

Everyday limits
We took steps to understand the limits you face every day in general surgery, so we could continue supporting you with advanced innovation.

- Risk of bile duct injuries during procedures

- Inconsistent lighting throughout the entirety of a case

- Cloudy visualization without considerations for interference

- Erratic environment due to complexity of the OR

Better solutions for a better today
We confronted the problems you face by designing a standardized solution, customized to your unique specialty.

One System
Improved visualization of biliary anatomy with 4K resolution and SPY fluorescence, all in one system1

See More
Clear visualization with PneumoClear integrated smoke evacuation

Sustained Brilliance
Bright AutoLight for consistent lighting throughout procedure

Explore Stryker's
end-to-end solution

Together, we can do more

We design some of the most innovative surgical technology on the market so you can provide improved patient care. Connect with us today for more information about the 1688 AIM 4K Platform. Together, we can build a better tomorrow.



1. Sherwinter DA. Identification of Anomolous Biliary Anatomy Using Near-Infrared Cholangiography. J Gastrointest Surg. (2012) Jul 3, 16:1814-1815

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