Shaping the future of the OR Neptune 3 Waste Management System

Neptune 3 is a constantly closed waste management system that collects, transports and disposes of surgical fluid waste helping protect staff from exposure whilst increasing efficiencies in the operating room. With Neptune 3, hospitals can reduce CO2 emissions associated with the use and incineration of disposable plastic canisters2 and commit to more sustainable ORs.


Neptune has shown a 98.5% (13 kg) reduction in weight of treated waste.1


Neptune has shown to save 7.9x the amount of time spent disposing of fluid waste when compared to canisters1

Staff safety

23.7 times
Per procedure, Neptune has shown HCPs handle 23.7 times less surgical fluid weight compared to canisters1

User satisfaction

of operating surgeons (n = 43) were very satisfied or satisfied with Neptune suction during survey1

Neptune 3 A complete solution for surgical fluid suction and smoke evacuation

Powered I.V. pole with auto retraction

  • Standard equipment; holds four 3000cc bags on "ram's horn" hooks

Sealshut technology

  • SealShut Technology locks away suctioned biohazards
  • Three layers of protection at manifold site
  • No open access points to internal canister

Dual Canisters

  • 4L lighted canister
  • Ability to empty 4L canister into 20L cansiter three times before docking
  • Electronic overfill protection with mechanical backup

Integrated smoke evacuator

  • Standard equipment; 80-hour ULPA filter sold separately ê 10 speed settings
  • Auto mode detects surgical smoke and adjusts flow

8 lines of suction

  • Two independently controlled suction settings utilizing suction range of 50-520 mm-Hg

Constantly closed system

  • Closed system locks away suctioned fluids during cases, manifold changes, docking and transport, reducing exposure and spills
  • Reduces hazardous exposure by suctioning surgical site fluid, floor fluid and evacuates surgical smoke

Customer Impact


"In a world where we must do things faster and safer - this product does all of that"


Sarah Baker, Head of Clinical Services Peri-Operative Medicine, Theatres and Critical Care Medicine




The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of Sarah Baker and not necessarily those of Stryker. Individual experiences may vary.

Drive hospital sustainability forward with Neptune 3


GreenCycl, a leading environmental consultancy in the Netherlands specializing in Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs), conducted this study comparing the environmental impact of managing intra-operative fluids using conventional canisters versus the innovative Neptune 3 system.


Calculate your hospital's CO2 impact when managing fluid waste


Compare the estimated environmental impact of conventional canisters with Neptune 3. This calculator is based on the LCA conducted out of the Netherlands and is designed for illustration purposes only.


Neptune acknowledgements


Premio a la sostenibilidad

Stryker's Neptune 3 won the sustainability award from Premios Voluntades in 2023.


Sustainability Partnership

In 2021 Stryker's Neptune 3 won the award for the industry waste category from the Sustainability Partnership by the NHS, UK.


World's Greenest hospital

Neptune 3 has been featured in the fictional city of Grønnköpingkiõ which is building a new university hospital. Ready to operate in 2030, the digital hospital will be the greenest and most sustainable hospital in the world.


Green Solution by the ZUKE Green Network

Neptune is listed as a Green Solution by the ZUKE Green Network as an example of success in improving sustainability and reducing resource waste, waste and CO2 in hospitals.

Contact us

Please reach out to us for more information or for a product demonstration

Thank you!

Learn more about Stryker's waste management systems

Neptune SafeAir

La soluzione completa per l'evacuazione del fumo chirurgico dalla sala operatoria.

Learn more