Variable angle locking plate system for treating wrist arthrodesis and fixation of fractures in patients with wrist arthritis or fractures of other small bones of the carpus.
The VariAx 2 Wrist Fusion Plating System provides you with a comprehensive range of anatomic plating options that work with a common instrument and screw platform. Plates utilize SmartLock technology which permits polyaxial screw placement. You can angle locking screws up to 15˚ in each direction for a total range of 30˚ providing surgeons with the flexibility to position screws based on the patient, not a plate’s pre-existing design.
SOMA designed short bend, standard bend and straight options with a low distal profile designed for minimal plate prominence
9º dorsiflexion angle of pre-bent plates designed for optimal hand position
Proximal oblong hole for axial compression of radio-carpal fragments
Distal transverse oblong hole for precise ulnar or radial alignment
Combining T8 2.4mm and 2.7mm screws and T10 3.5mm screws
CP-AWI-14, 07-2017