This information is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals.
A healthcare professional must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product when treating a particular patient. Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends that healthcare professionals be trained in the use of any particular product before using it.
The information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker's product offerings. A healthcare professional must always refer to the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use before using any Stryker product.
Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area.
Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Stryker, Comfort Bath, Comfort Personal Cleansing, Corinz, Essential, Essential Bath, Impreva, Impreva Bath, Perox-A-Mint, Prevalon, PrimaFit, PrimoFit+, Q-Care, Q-Care Rx, Sage, Toothette, Toothette Oral Care Logo. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.
The products depicted are CE marked in accordance with applicable EU Regulations and Directives.
Solutions including Alcohol-free Mouthwash, Comfort Rinse-free Shampoo Cap, Corinz Oral Rinse, Essential Bath, Incontinence Clean-Up Cloths, Impreva Bath, Mouth Moisturiser, and Sage Oral Solution comply with EC Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009.
Use biocides safely: always read the label and product information before use.
Sage Products LLC
3909 Three Oaks Road
Cary, IL 60013 USA
800 323 2220 ; +1 815 455 4700
SMACC 29433
Last Updated November/2021