Connected and confident care.
iBed Wireless, available on Stryker’s S3 MedSurg Bed and InTouch Critical Care Bed, is compatible with many information management systems allowing your facility to build a custom end solution. This gives caregivers the ability to help provide enhanced fall prevention*, asset management and documentation from the bedside.1
Advanced fall prevention1*
Caregivers can take a more proactive approach to help prevent patient falls with an enhanced ability to monitor risk and the tools necessary to respond in a timely manner.
Equipment Management1
Improve efficiencies through near real-time location, remote diagnostics-error codes, and service availability of beds through iBed Wireless technology.
Streamline documentation from the bedside into your Electronic Health Records (EHR).
Flexible connectivity
Compatible with many third party systems, iBed Wireless currently works with leading suppliers of EHR, Nurse Call, Middleware, Alert Management and handheld devices.
Lower total cost of ownership
Protect your investment as medical device connectivity evolves. Compatible with many information management systems, allowing your facility to build a custom end solution.1
1. The features listed are only available when iBed Wireless is integrated with third party systems that bring data to EHRs, Handheld devices, Alert Management Systems, Nurse Call, or Asset Management Systems. The iBed Wireless System requires iBed Radios, iBed Locators, and a Stryker Server application.
2. This feature is only available when iBed Wireless is integrated with proper third party systems. Per UL1069 hospitals must still provide a wired connection for patients to send nurse call request.
*When combining the proper processes and technologies to help reduce risk of bed related falls.
MKT-EXT-034 13 FEB 2019 Rev A
Last Updated December/2023