With the CrossFlow Integrated Arthroscopy Pump, Stryker offers ReconiSense Technology. ReconiSense Technology allows the pump to determine optimal suctions rates by detecting the Stryker cutter, bur, and SERFAS RF probe. The CrossFlow is designed to integrate with the CrossFire 2 Resection Console to provide more consistent visualization to debride bone and soft tissue.
Stryker’s CrossFlow Integrated Arthroscopy Pump provides users with a simple to use interface with temperature monitoring and mitigation.
Temperature Monitoring: ReconiSense TC utilises the integration between the CrossFlow arthroscopy pump and the CrossFire 2 resection console to determine the temperature state of the joint space 95% accurate within +/-4.63°C1.
Temperature Mitigation: When the CrossFlow recognises the temperature state of the joint is increasing, it will increase flow rates to turn over fluid in the joint faster2.
1. Stryker TR19389. Data on file.
2. Stryker FS10277. The specifications that control this functionality are TR18990, TR19390 (A150.10, A150.20). Data on file.
OTARM-OTH-6_22278 2019-22278
Last Updated February/2021