Circular external fixation for fractures, joint contractures, fusions, limb lengthening, deformity correction and bone and soft tissue reconstruction in pediatric patients and adults.
Hoffmann LRF Ring offering
Hoffmann LRF Wire bolt adaptor
The Hoffmann LRF Wire Bolt Adaptor is used in conjuctiontion with Wire Bolts to capture obliquely inserted wires or wires placed above or below the ring’s surface. They are offered in long and short versions.
Hoffmann LRF Bifocal transport
Hoffmann LRF Fine tuning length adjustment
The length of the telescopic struts can be fine-tuned once the frame is assembled.
Hoffmann LRF Bone Lengthening
Hoffmann LRF Slotted Plates
Hoffmann LRF Spherical washers
The length of the telescopic struts can be fine-tuned once the frame is assembled.
Hoffmann LRF Wire Bolt
Hoffmann LRF Trifocal Transport Frame
Hoffmann LRF can be configured to perform a Trifocal bone transport.
Hoffmann LRF Gross Length Adjustment
Hoffmann LRF circular external fixation overview
Hoffmann LRF frame range of motion
Once mounted, the LRF can be unlocked and used as a fracture reduction tool. In addition to the quick release mechanisms, all ball joints must be unlocked to achieve full range of motion. Ball joints allow for 12° of angulation from neutral.
Hoffmann LRF gradual correction system animation
Hoffman LRF bone transport
Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Hoffman, Stryker.
All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders.
CP-AWI-40, 11-2019
Last Updated November/2021