"Championing supplier diversity aligns with our values and strengthens our ability to deliver on our mission to make healthcare better."
Kathleen Ward
Vice President, Global Category Leader, Stryker
Register in our portal
Within our portal you can self-certify or upload any third-party certifications.
Diverse business categories
Defined as for-profit businesses located in the U.S. or its territories, regardless of size, which are owned, operated, managed and controlled by one or more U.S. citizens (or lawful permanent residents) matching any of the diverse categories listed below. Ownership meaning at least 51% owned by such individuals or, in the case of a publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock is owned by one or more such individuals.
Small business categories*
Defined as for-profit businesses, located in the U.S. or its territories, independently owned and operated, meeting the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) size standard for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code that aligns with the products or services the business provides or would provide Stryker. The U.S. SBA offers a Size Standards Tool to help suppliers understand which NAICS code and size standard are appropriate for their business.
"Our supplier diversity program supports maximizing Stryker’s awareness of suppliers with varying backgrounds, specializations and sizes, helping Stryker engage suppliers with strong qualifications, capabilities, and alignment with our business needs."
Garrett Robinson
Program Manager, Stryker
Our supplier diversity efforts
We continually promote and facilitate diverse supplier engagement as a component of our overall corporate responsibility (CR) efforts. Our latest updates can be found in our Comprehensive Report, located in our CR hub.
Our efforts also include engagement with external advocacy groups and membership in:
Through these partnerships, we participate in conferences and outreach events, support supplier development activities, engage in resource development, enable best practice sharing, utilize diverse supplier databases, and build diverse supplier awareness of our procurement opportunities.
*Additional details about small business categories can be found in the U.S. Government Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.219-1.